Johannes Andersson and Botilda Johannesdotter …
. .. was two Swedes emigrating to Copenhagen in the beginning of 1860. Botilda from Skepparkroken in Skåne and Johannes from Årstad in Halland. Johannes was brother to Andreas Andersson, wich in turn was grandfather to John/Sigfrid/Birger/Hjalmar. Johannes and Botilda had three children. The sons Anders Johan, Andro and Karl Oskar.
Anders Johan was in the beginning of his service as policeman in Copenhagen told to take a “Kendingsnavn” (a unique name).
He chosed to use his mothers i law family name “Andersen Høgh”. He become accustomed to be told like that and chosed to, after 7 years in service to applay for having this as family name.
Anders Johan was interested in family research and exchanged information about this, including letters, with his cousins children in Sweden. Above all with Sigfrid but also with Hjalmar.
The family Høg-Andersens archive

(We don’t knew very much about Andro. Only when he was born, when he died and that he married Marie Christine Nielsen.
Who can tell us more about Andro and his progeny?)
What you can read above I wrote when I designed this page first time. Now, tonight 12 September 2016, we knew so mush more! We are in contact with Andros grandchild Vivi Lea Christiansen. She has brought us a portrait of him and some other picktures.
Sandra!, how nice that you got in contact!
Here above some photos we can take part of thanks to Vivi Christiansen, grandchild to till Andro.
Progeny to Karl Oskars has also saved old things.
Sandra Andersson Ulrik has let us take part of the belongings, here downunder, remaining after Botilda.
(Karl Oskar is Sandras grandfather, on her fathers side.)
Click on the picktures for enlargements which you can scroll forward in.
Belongings after Botilda. (Saved by Sandra Andersson Ulrik.)
The box, to the left, is only about 4 cm.
In it you find the small book belov.
“Candlestic for travelling”
You can pack it as a small ball.
Sandra don’t knew why Karl Oskar had this pin.
Three crowns and SG, what can they stand for?
Inside this book you can read: “This book shall be a beloved memory after my Mother and shall be a part in our Family history. My Mother Bothilda Andersson born 24/6 1843 Johannisdotter in Skepparkroken in Sweden. Died 22-1-1911 in Fredericsberg, Dennmark. Glory to your memory (next page) I ? ? ? ? Book, as a ? after my Mother. Karl Oskar Andersson Carpenter? d 2-2-1911 Valbyvej 1”