STF postcard no 1 – Landscape between Tofta and Derome
”Landscape between Tofta and Derome” .. … How do you find this place, 100 years later?
”As usual”, we didn’t find any restaurant and we hadn’t brought any emergency food .. . .. but…, there was two in the car …
Elisabeth and me had found STF no 4, ”Winter landscape at Kullagård”, och STF no 2 ,”The vally of Viskan at Åsbro”, earlier the same day. The autumn day started to ending. ”Another try to find one more motif, then we must finish up, it’s starting to be dark.”

We drove south along the road 41, left the main road and drove on small roads east of the 41. The photo of the flat was taken with mountins in the background. We took photos from different places.
We ate this, on our way home to Tranemo, by the sea Tolken, close to Torestorp.
Not until tonight, Tuesday the 5 nov 2013, when I’m sitting and have a look at the photos, I notice the mountains similarity. Am I right? Had we found almoust the same place where the photograph, ”P. Stolpe”, stood 100 years ago?
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