This page is intended to show some objects from the family. The objects are spread around the family. It would be fun to be able to show other things that you might have. Please send me a picture with some text! I rescued my grand fathers wooden hand planes just before they was about to burn up in the bonfire.
Click on the small picture to see an enlarged picture. Some has a more than one picture, click on the right side of the picture to see the next and on the left side for previous picture.

The rocking chair that Märta got from her uncle Gottfrid on her first birthday.
A small wooden pot from Sjöbol. I found it in pieces and the barrel maker in Falkenberg repaired it.
A big wooden pot from Sjöbol. The pipe is made from a branch with a drilled hole.
Wooden horse made by my grandfather Lennart.
The dressing table mirror is made by my grand father, Lennart. The table is a kitchen table from Blixtorp, later used as a buthers table. On the table, grandmother Gerdas woodturned nail box. The chair is from Sjöbol.
The plaster dog from Signe and Kalle’s home. As a small boy I always thought it looked frightening.
Grandfathers Lennart’s snuff box. “On the 50-years day 30/1 25 from friends”
My grandmothers bottle ship “Sagoland”. As child, I never could stop looking at it. The tablecloth, sewed with hardanger embroidery by my grandmother Gerda for me.
Flint axe from Sjöbol.

Lars-Börje tells: ”It’s said that John made two buffets, one to his wife, Sigrid, and one to his mother, Severina.Severina’s buffet was picked up in Ängarna (the small house) in the end of the 70’s on demand by Sven-Erik. At that time, the buffet was partly sawed in pieces and the upper piece was placed in the barn. The original glass with facets is now with new mirroring surface. Sigrid’s buffet was put in the workshop, in Blixtorp, as cabinet. The both buffetts has been painted (probably with mahogny imitation or similar) but this was badly hurt and couldn’t be saved. Both of them are now “wood coloured”. The both buffets are nearly identical.”
Sigrids buffet. Picture is comming.
The kitchen couch from Blixtorp. According to Göte he grew up in it.

A box for razor knife, from Ängarna. Observe! Look at the other pictures here!

“Lotta på Backen”, Johanna Charlotta Bengtsdotter, was (maternal) aunt to my grand mother, on my fathers side, Sigrid.

Elly tells: ”Georg had thrown the counch away for making firewood of it. Birger was told about this , he went away and picked it up and in that way I got it.”

Bureau from Johan on Stenstorp