The family name Törner
Already in my early teens I woundered from where the family name Törner came. I knew that my grandfather’s father, the preast Carl Adolf Fredrik, had the family name Törner. There was a rumour in the family that it, in some way, should originate from France. But was it in that way?
After some time I found a book, “Household’s book for worship”, that the preast had leaft behind and in that he had made notes, among other things, when friends and relatives had past away. On the page for august 24 I could read: “My beloved mother, Maria Christina Törner born Dahl (in Marstrand) died in Gothenburg at 11 e.m. 60 years 1854.” Marstrand? (She was not 60 but 65 år when she died and was not born Dahl but Hager, maybe Häger. Maybe did not CAF knew this. (This is another storya, very dramatic!)
CAF’s father must have had the family name Törner. More than that I couldn’t find out at that time. Many years later, when I started doing family research, I understod. Now I found CAF’s father, Anders Törner. Anders father’s name was Elias Tönnesson. Whay did Anders had the name Törner and not Eliasson as he ought had after that times usage?
For other resons I read August Bondeson’s “School teachers John Chronschough’s memoirs” and there, on the pages 120 – 128, I suddenly understood, that’s the way it must have happened!
Ander’s profession was “private teacher”. Depending on that he must have been studing at the “school teacher seminar” in Gothenburg, exactly as Bondeson’s head person in the book.
So what’s told on the pages 120 – 128 is, what I think, the explanation on the family name Törner! Click on the book if you want to read the excerpt from the book.
Anders was told to take a new name “dignified” for a teacher at that time. I simply thinks, that he choosed to change his fathers family name, Tönnesson, to Törner.