An old Hads Herreds Family
Brewery Owner Peder Poulsen
and Wife Louise Christines
Family book
Andr. J. Friis
Maja Hyldsgaards handwritten
family studies dedicated to
Jens Peter B B-J
Maja Hyldsgaards handwritten
family studies dedicated to
Elisabeth B B-J.
Here I will try to collect printed and hand written books/documents corresponding to your danish families.
Perhaps also other books which may be off family historical interest or about your native areas.
(Of course there must not be a valid copyright.)
Click on the books and you can browse them.
There is larger libraries than what you find here . …
Below The Royal Danish Library, “The Black Diamond”.

The pickture from Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons
Maja Hyldgaard Sørensen, born Poulsen, later (when merried) Revenskov. (Family names is not so easy in Denmark . … from where came Sørensen? …) (I have learned that now. Thanks Nils Clemensen and other! Maja was born Hyldgaard, married Sørensen but later they changed name to Revenskov.)
Maja, if I may call her so, even if I never met her, did a lot that always will be remembered in your family research but also in the memory of the children she taught.
Elisabeth, (one of her students), tells: “She could always praise as soon as she saw something good, you got a pencil or something else. Every one loved her!”
Maja, to link the family members, was Elisabeth’ father’s aunt.
(The password to the family tree?, contact me and I’ll send it to you.)
To the left, Maja and Elisabeth, about 1965 (Karen’s confirmation?)
As always: click on the picture and you will get an enlargement!
The family research “En gammel Hads Herreds Slægt, 1550-1946”, (most above the the left) is a fantastic document!
I’m not completely inexperienced as family researcher, .. . but what Maja did, 60 years ago, is very impessive!
I “Dansk Forfatterleksikon“ näms Maja såhär.
Maja Hyldgaards first book, Solstrejf, was pubished 1929.
I found it on the net, in an antiquarian, Pilegaard, Algade 65, in Aalborg.
The article, here to the left, was published 1956 in the writing seasons for “Historisk Samfund for Århus Stift”.
Here a link to their site: “Historisk Samfund for Århus Stift“.
Maja was a very productive writer. She wrote 8 books, a spectacle, and wrote a lot of novells in Julehæfter/Julebøger (Christmas Stuff).
“Lille Inger” was, as I have understood, a very popular series of children’s books.
Below some examples of the books and Christmas Stuff she was publised in.
(The books below are not scanned in full but in Christmas Stuff you can read her stories.)